The beginning...Through my lifetime I have developed many loves. I love animals. I love to work with children and I have always loved to write and tell stories. With all these loves I have recently discovered that I am not sure what I want to be "when I grow up”. I run a successful home based preschool, built a fairly strong organization as an Independent Norwex Consultant, and I am a licensed trainer for daycare providers. Most importantly, I am a MOM and a wife. I have 3 incredible children who I can’t get enough of. I have an amazing husband who has supported me as I make this journey of self-discovery by guiding me, listening, watching, and waiting. I know one option for me would be to be satisfied with what I have accomplished so far. However, I feel in my heart this is not enough. I feel in my heart I was put on this earth for more. I am just not sure what that “more” is. Through writing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences, my hope is to gain a vivid picture of where I should concentrate my energy. I hope to gain insight and direction in my journey of discovering Sarah.