Find your rock. Find what you are good at. Find what you are meant to do and do it the best you can possibly do. Invest your time and energy in strengthening your gift. Touch people's lives in the way you are supposed to touch them. Spread the energy you were put on this planet to spread.
The post before this one. The Future letter post is one I wrote to my upline and friend, Kris. It is a vision letter meant to keep me motivated on the goal I have set forth. It is part of the purpose I feel I am seeking and moving towards. It is more reachable than it has ever been, but yet I still have the fear that accompanies it. I have been practicing my mantras:
I am good enough
People want to join my team because I am confident in my success
Business is flowing and my team is growing
I am healthy and fit
These are all things I continue to tell myself when fear and doubt knock on my door. It does help, but those negative thoughts still can find their way in. It truly drives me crazy! I recently hurt my back and have been unable to physically do the things I want to do. I am a person who likes to be on the move and when I walk, I listen to webinars and speeches about bettering myself and keeping my mindset positive. I have not been keeping up with these as much as I need to and I can tell.
I am sitting at my computer on a Monday morning 30 minutes away from my last day of a web course on Brain Training. It is frustrating to me how I can see success, but yet don't feel like I did enough to reach the goals I set for myself throughout the past 6 weeks. I need to move past this. I need to let go of that horrible F word and concentrate on the S words. Success AND surrender. Surrender to things that are out of my control. Surrender so I can have success without stress. It is this I will concentrate on today. Confidence in my success, NOT F*** of failure.
The post before this one. The Future letter post is one I wrote to my upline and friend, Kris. It is a vision letter meant to keep me motivated on the goal I have set forth. It is part of the purpose I feel I am seeking and moving towards. It is more reachable than it has ever been, but yet I still have the fear that accompanies it. I have been practicing my mantras:
I am good enough
People want to join my team because I am confident in my success
Business is flowing and my team is growing
I am healthy and fit
These are all things I continue to tell myself when fear and doubt knock on my door. It does help, but those negative thoughts still can find their way in. It truly drives me crazy! I recently hurt my back and have been unable to physically do the things I want to do. I am a person who likes to be on the move and when I walk, I listen to webinars and speeches about bettering myself and keeping my mindset positive. I have not been keeping up with these as much as I need to and I can tell.
I am sitting at my computer on a Monday morning 30 minutes away from my last day of a web course on Brain Training. It is frustrating to me how I can see success, but yet don't feel like I did enough to reach the goals I set for myself throughout the past 6 weeks. I need to move past this. I need to let go of that horrible F word and concentrate on the S words. Success AND surrender. Surrender to things that are out of my control. Surrender so I can have success without stress. It is this I will concentrate on today. Confidence in my success, NOT F*** of failure.