5 more weeks until I have my house back to just my family.
This 5 weeks comes with such mixed feelings though. I am going to miss the smiles and hugs of the little ones I get to see every day. I will miss their funny stories, catching them having an "ugly butt" contest, watching them pick their nose and see how long they can stretch that booger. Kids are SO funny.
I went to the mall the other day to get fitted for a bra with my 16 year old daughter. Now that is an experience in itself. Where some people may be attracted to people watching of adults or teenagers, I found myself drawn to the littles. "Oh my gosh, those shoes are so cute!!! I love your dinosaur shirt!!!" I kind of felt like Jennifer Garner in 13 going on 30. It is like in my brain I still thinks like a 5 year old. I can converse with them better than I can some adults. That is one of the things I will miss. Kids have SO much to offer. I love their sweet innocence and am saddened by all the violence and scary things in the world today. I am happy I can be a bright spot in a dark day for some of the children I have the pleasure of working with. No matter what happens in the home environment, when kids are with me, it is my chance to build their spirits, fill them with positive, and teach them how to find the good in ALL situations.